Physical stress during pregnancy can cause a considerable deal of discomfort for the mother-to-be. Women frequently seek treatment at a chiropractic clinic for low back pain as well as other associated conditions like sciatica, leg cramps, and constipation. In some instances, these pregnancy-related symptoms might result in difficulties doing daily duties as well as issues at work.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy may be a wonderful source of comfort for back pain and other symptoms. Many women have also stated that they found the delivery process less difficult after receiving chiropractic therapy. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the discomfort caused by pregnancy and explain how chiropractic therapy might alleviate it.
A woman's body undergoes various transformations during pregnancy to support the growing baby. The mother's center of gravity changes to the front of her pelvis, causing additional tension and discomfort in her lower back and the numerous joints of her pelvis. The curvature in the lower back (lordotic curve) can expand to the point that it has a major influence on the vertebral joints, the sacrum, and the hip joints during the height of pregnancy due to the weight gain experienced.
The nerves that go to all other body regions originate in the spine and branch out. Because of the compression of the spine, these nerves can get inflamed, resulting in the pain radiating to other parts of the body and becoming severe. Sciatica is a disorder that is frequently triggered by pregnancy and is characterized by discomfort that spreads from the lower back down the legs.
If there has been difficulty with the alignment of the spine in the past, and if there has been a history of lower back pain, pregnancy is likely to worsen the situation even further. Because of the stresses and strains of pregnancy, the spine may become misaligned to the point that it cannot return to its original position once the pregnancy has ended. Once the baby is born, some required actions might become quite difficult, such as carrying a child on your front or back, breastfeeding, and bending down to lift and pick items up.
Chiropractors can give safe and effective individualized therapy during your pregnancy as well as throughout the postpartum period. A complete assessment will be performed to determine the most effective treatment to alleviate your discomfort and prepare your body for the rigors of pregnancy and delivery. There are particular techniques of adjusting to accommodate a woman's pregnancy. These therapies may assist to lessen the need for pain medicines throughout the delivery process, as well as the length of time spent in labor. Follow-up chiropractic appointments can aid in the realignment of the body following pregnancy and accelerate the transition to a healthy post-pregnancy life.
If you want to learn more about how chiropractic care might benefit you throughout your pregnancy, please contact our experts at NuSpine Chiropractic now. We are here to help!
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